Monday, June 27, 2011

Yard Sale Update

Our second adoption yard sale was last weekend and it was a HUGE success!  So many sweet people donated items for us to sell and I believe we even had a larger inventory than last year. Last year, it poured all day on Friday while we were trying to set up, so we decided to get a head start this year and set all the tables up on Thursday.  I even started putting things out that could get wet on Thursday.  Even with this prep work and an incredible group of friends, it still took several hours on Friday to get everything set up.  Customers trickled in all day while we were getting ready and I think we made about $200 before the sale even started.  The weather was BEAUTIFUL and we only experienced about 5 minutes of rain during the entire two days. 

A portion of the sale!

Sweet Alex selling baked goods

Part of the crew (Megan, Leah, Jen, Chad, and Mike are missing)
We've all heard the saying that it takes a village to raise a child.  Well, I am certainly convinced that it takes a village to adopt.  I sit here with tears rolling down my face as I consider the circle of support we have around us.  We have many good friends who gave of their time (and probably their sanity) to help make this sale happen. We are humbled by the sacrifices many have made to help us bring our little guy home and know that God is using other people to help make this adoption possible. 

We began this process in June 2010 with three very young kids and not enough money.  The process has truly been one of the most significant spiritual journeys of my life.  God has continued to remind us that He is in control and we don't have to have the answers.  He has given us so many loving reminders that we are in His will.  He has blessed us with the sacrificial giving of others and has reminded us of what we're really living for.  One example of this happened through a sweet friend from church.  She is an amazing baker and had decided that instead of baking for the sale that she would take orders from people she knew the week before the yard sale.  She was able to get 35 dozen orders and handed us a check for $300 on Friday morning.  What a labor of love! 

So...with the baking money and the money from the yard sale, we raised $2,143 in two days!  Peeps, I pray this does nothing but points you towards the One who made it possible.  God called us to this journey and he is providing step by step.  I don't have answers for you about what each step is going to look like or how we are going to handle it.  What I do know is that my heart is at rest.  I'm sure we're going to hit some hard times.  We already have.  I'm also sure we're not going to be facing it alone. 


  1. This made me teary! I love it! Congrats!

  2. Glad to hear it went so well! Sorry I couldn't be there, but I was thinking about you all! Look forward to more great stories of how God is working!
