Friday, March 11, 2011

The Roller Coaster

I've said it before and I will say it adoption is like a roller coaster ride.  An article was released this week that Ethiopia will be reducing international adoptions from the country by 90%. The number of Ethiopian adoptions has grown dramatically over the past few years.  As it has grown, changes to policies and procedures are necessary.  It seems that this is a very dramatic response to the problem, and many organizations, including our adoption agency, are in communication with Ethiopian officials to further understand their position. 

I really don't think I meant to allow my heart to love the children of this country so deeply, or to allow myself to picture my own family with a little chocolate chip or two around the table.  I really meant to put some better safeguards around my heart because I know how international adoption can work.  But here we are and we face the future with many unknowns. 

I do know that God is on his throne and that these children are his.  I know that he is truly the "father to the fatherless."   I know that he has a plan.  Today that's about all I know and I'm just resting in that. 

Please pray with me for the sweet children of Ethiopia, for Ethiopian officials who are making decisions regarding adoptions, and for families adopting from Ethiopia. 


  1. Oh, Michelle! My heart breaks for you! I'm so sorry. It was a good chat last night. Tim and I spent some serious time praying last night and we lifted you, Mike, and your kids (G, E, O, and others) up!

  2. Gwen, thanks for your prayers and for your beautiful heart. We spent some time praying for you and Tim that night too! :)

  3. Hi Michelle. We are a fellow Holt family. We submitted our dossier in January. What a roller coaster ride it has been since we began. Hang in there and know that you are not alone in this. :)
